29 July 2023

After the Sacrament of Confirmation - 3 Ways to assist our Confirmands

After being conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation, we may wonder what should be done next in helping our youth? How to deepen their following of Christ? How to help them hear the Holy Spirit? These three proposed considerations may help you help them. 

1 Build relationships

Don’t cut the cord of friendship and relationship you already have built with your Confirmands through the years. Instead meet them over tea or a meal periodically, and keep the connection strong. These regular check-ins will help them feel heard and wanted. Jesus often used meals and social gatherings to foster faith and friendship. 

2 Claiming ownership

When you feel you belong, you will stay. You feel at home. You feel fulfilled. Fostering a sense of ownership is a first step towards feeling at home. Our church needs to provide Confirmands with opportunities to lead. Invite them to be part of the catechism class activities, youth programs, etc. Bring them along to a diocese level activity e.g. cleaning the beach or street feeding. It is helpful to dedicate one or two persons to stay in touch regularly with the post-Confirmands. 

3 Let them make mistakes 

Youths hesitate to be involved in the church simply because they fear judgment and rejection when they slip up. They fear being labelled as unworthy or incapable, which often triggers guilt and shame among them. Confirmands, who are youth themselves, would feel the same hesitation. Teach them to organize and plan, and trust the Lord. Praying our plans and offering our decisions is an important area of the Spirit-filled journey.


Dearest Lord, we offer up all who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to answer the call to serve you. May they be kept away from distractions and come together to serve you with compassion, kindness, and love. Bless them with your abiding presence, and lighten their path. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.


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