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by Gwen Manickam | Social Communication Ministry
The Nativity scene holds a significant spot in our homes, offering a space for family to convene, reflect, and pray. While our children might be familiar with the Nativity story, they seldom get the chance to immerse themselves in its unfolding narrative throughout Advent, witnessing it come alive during Christmas, and culminate at Epiphany.
This year, we suggest a family-oriented progressive Nativity scene—a symbolic activity that aids in preparation. This practice will guide us all in learning to anticipate with hope and ready ourselves for the arrival of our Lord throughout the Advent season.
LIST OF CHARACTERS: Joseph, Mary, cow, donkey, baby Jesus, shepherd, sheep, star, angel & Magi.
Blessing the crib
Make the sign of the cross.
The leader begins:
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All respond: Who made heaven and earth.
Leader: We are at the beginning of the days of Advent. All through the season we will look on these images of sheep and cattle, of shepherds, of Mary and of Joseph and Jesus.
God of Mary and Joseph, of shepherds and animals, bless us whenever we gaze on this manger scene.
Through all the days of Advent and Christmas, may these figures tell the story of how humans, angels, and animals found the Christ in this poor place. Fill our house with hospitality, joy, gentleness, and thanksgiving and guide our steps in the way of peace. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
All respond ‘Amen’ and make the sign of the cross.
Building up the scene
Each day, a figurine is added to the scene and the following prayer is said. (You may wish to use the suggested timeline as a guide, depending on the number of figurines you may have.)
Choose a time to read the story of Nativity together as a family. (Luke 2:1-21; Matthew 1: 18-2: 12)
Prayer at the scene
All make the sign of the cross. The leader begins:
Lord, as we prepare our hearts for the coming birth of Jesus, help us to live with hope, joy, and love during this season of Advent.
All: Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Leader: Lord, as we await the coming birth of Jesus, help us to share our gifts and talents generously, just as You shared Your Son with us.
All: Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Leader: Lord, as we place [name of the character] in our Nativity scene, help us to do Your will with hope, love, and joy, now and every day of the year.
All: Amen.
Suggested timeline
First and second week of advent
Arrange the Bethlehem scene and join in praying the blessing of the crib collectively. The following day, include a shepherd at the periphery of the scene. Place a sheep at a distance from the shepherd. On the subsequent day, add another sheep away from the shepherd. By the conclusion of the initial week, bring the sheep nearer to the shepherd and introduce a cow into the scene.
Shift the shepherd and sheep across the pasture. Position Joseph on one side of the scene. The following day, introduce Mary alongside Joseph. Optionally, include a donkey with Mary. On the subsequent day, advance Mary, Joseph, and the donkey closer to Bethlehem.
Third and fourth week of Advent
Progressively move Mary, Joseph, and the donkey even nearer to Bethlehem in the consecutive days. Add the star above Bethlehem. Two days before Christmas, Mary, Joseph, and the donkey arrive in Bethlehem. Add an angel near the shepherd and the sheep.
On Christmas day, place baby Jesus is in the manger.
A week later, add the three Magi at the edge of the scene and on the feast of the Epiphany, the three Magi arrive in Bethlehem.
The crib is complete.
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm
Cardijn House, 528 Jalan Bukit Nanas, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.
+603 2078 8828
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